The Jets - The Jets(Expanded Edition) (1985/2020)
Formato: FLAC Level 8 em 13 faixas extraído em 05/05/2020
Software: EAC V1.3, Secure mode, Test&CopyCRC=OK, com LogChecksum
Arquivo [437MB]: Log EAC 100%, Log AudioChecker, m3u, m3u8, cue, Espectrograma
Scans: Capa, Capa Aberta, Capa Aberta Verso, Contracapa, Selo CD
Imagens: PNG 300dpi [Embalagem Padrão]
auCDtectPCP: Summary 100,00% CDDA
01. Curiousity [0:05:00.08]
02. Crush On You [0:04:31.20]
03. You Got It All [0:04:10.45]
04. Love Umbrella [0:04:35.07]
05. Private Number [0:04:03.63]
06. Heart On The Line [0:03:34.07]
07. Right Before My Eyes [0:03:51.30]
08. La La Means I Love You [0:03:51.73]
09. Mesmerized [0:04:20.40]
10. Crush On You (Crush Mix) [0:07:01.00]
11. Curiosity (Extended Version) [0:07:30.00]
12. Curiosity (Instrumental Version)[0:07:29.00]
13. La La Means I Love You(Remix 1990)[0:03:52.65]