Formato: FLAC Level 8 em 13 faixas extraído em 26/04/2020
Software: EAC V1.3, Secure mode, Test&CopyCRC=OK, com LogChecksum
Arquivo [446MB]: Log EAC 100%, Log AudioChecker, m3u, m3u8, cue, Espectrograma
Scans: Capa, Capa Aberta, Contracapa, Encarte, Selo CD
Imagens: PNG 600dpi [Embalagem Padrão]
auCDtectPCP: Summary 91,46% CDDA (MPEG na trilha 3)
01. Holy Water [0:04:06.18]
02. Walk Through Fire [0:04:48.42]
03. Stranger Stranger [0:04:52.10]
04. If You Needed Somebody [0:04:21.00]
05. Fearless [0:03:32.45]
06. Lay Your Love on Me [0:04:04.45]
07. Boys Cry Tough [0:05:34.43]
08. With You in a Heartbeat [0:04:34.42]
09. I Don’t Care [0:04:33.33]
10. Never Too Late [0:03:41.73]
11. Dead of the Night [0:03:40.38]
12. I Can’t Live Without You[0:03:50.10]
13. 100 Miles [0:01:57.15]